Mission Statement

Jeni Dodd Tea created CulTEAv8, a manifestation of its social activisim, to achieve its community service initiatives and goals. Because we have first-hand knowledge of the poverty that is endemic where we source our remarkable teas.  We want to help while also respecting the dignity and humanity of our tea-growing family.

Current Projects

Our Hearts to Nepal

We have found it difficult to witness from afar, our adopted homeland of Nepal succumb to the ravages of COVID-19. The pain and suffering reported in the news are almost unwatchable.  But the news is preferable to the heartache we are hearing directly from our tea family in Nepal.  Daily, we receive pleas from our Nepali friends and family regarding the lack of oxygen cylinders and medical supplies.  There are not enough hospital beds or PPE. And, sadly, it seems the list of people dying is endless.

We know you are also aware and concerned about the devastating situation in Nepal because so many of you have reached out to us asking for guidance of how to be most helpful. 

We have identified one area we could make a significant difference. As a result of COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdowns, many Nepali have been unable to work or earn a living. Since most live on the edge of survival even during ‘normal’ times, many now find themselves unable to buy food causing significant food insecurity and hunger. Worse still, many are having to make the gut-wrenching choice to eat or pay for medical care for a loved one.

Providing meals to those with no food will change and save lives – immediately and each day.

We have found, with our tea partners in Nepal, a group that provides lunch and dinner to nearly 1500 people daily in response to the food insecurity issues created by COVID-19. At a cost of 2$ USD a day, this program feeds each person 2 meals. This does not seem like a lot of money, but for 1500 people a day, that is $3,000 USD.

Our Goal: We would like to raise enough money to support this program for a week, providing 21,000 meals in that one week. This is a lofty goal…but we think it is achievable and it would be lifesaving.

This project will also provide an income to the farmers who have grown the food. These farmers also live close to the edge of subsistence. Buying the food from a farmer ensures their livelihood while feeding those in need.

Jeni Dodd Tea will cover fees and admin costs associated with fundraising for this effort. 

We truly want every penny you donate to directly go to Nepal and feed a person or a family.

You can feel confident that when donate, you are sending your pure heart to Nepal.

CulTEAv8 Philosophy

Jeni Dodd Tea recognizes that capitalizing on the poverty of the sources of its tea is not a long-term economic solution for these impoverished regions.  Moreover, it is contrary to its mission that trade, not aid is the only long-term, sustainable business strategy that acknowledges the dignity and independence of its tea growers and producers.  The growers and producers we work with do not want nor expect charity as a business model.  They simply need access to the global market so that the labor and passion they pour into creating these beautiful teas can compete and earn business.  Time and time again, this strategy is confirmed as more and more people try our teas and become committed devotees, not because they feel sorry for the growers and producers but because our teas are outstanding.  Our growers and producers deserve the respect and dignity of any businessperson with an extraordinary product. For these reasons, Jeni Dodd Tea actively chooses not to link its business marketing to the poverty of tea sources.

However, because of the relationships and family our passion for the tea leaf has CulTEAv8ed, we see firsthand how sudden circumstances and acute crises devastate our tea family. Destructive events that have nothing to do with ‘doing business’ make it impossible for growers and producers to just make tea. These moments of crisis are when we feel we should provide whatever humanitarian relief we can to help our tea family and their countries overcome cataclysmic events beyond their control. We want to help them get back to the ‘luxury’ of just making phenomenal tea. It is also in these moments that we are flooded with queries from loyal customers who also want to do whatever they can to help.

Thus, CulTEAv8 grew from the necessity of overcoming acute circumstances in tea producing countries and the love nourished by and cultivated through sharing tea one cup at a time.

Our Promise

  • 100% of every dollar donated will go directly for the dire circumstances described in each project.
  • Jeni Dodd Tea will pay for all administrative costs and all fees to implement each project; we want every dollar you donate to go to help the people, not middlemen.
  • We will research and conduct due diligence on each project so that we are assured that the money we raise supports the project we describe.  We will not tolerate anyone pocketing your hard-earned gift for their sole benefit nor taking something offered from your heart for personal greed.